Mount and blade rule 34
Mount and blade rule 34

mount and blade rule 34

>grab bithc by the arms, examine her hands like a finely crafted ember >speak to the vile thing a single demand: >she massages her nether regions similarly to her friend's >"You mind taking it we can see if you're just as pretty underneath?" >her left hand brushes against my leggings, right rubbing her genitalia >"That's a pretty set of armour you've got there." >nothing but the skin of her broadly exposed body

mount and blade rule 34

>no armour, weapons, talismans or catalysts anywhere on her person >Stop when the blonde lies directly before me >".I think our new friend wants to play, too." >Blond turns to me, grins like a mindless harlot >"It doesn't really matter, does it? We had our fun. >"Elsa," says the redhead with a giggle "I told you we were being too loud!" >they smile like filthy casuls who aren't prepared for a duel >the women notice me after I take a few steps >give no shits, approach with weapon drawn >some blondie and a redhead with freckles >two human women using a rod of ice to have sex with each other >start hearing strange noises from an ice cave behind me >No crystals or golems though, and Seath's fortress is nowhere in sight >body suddenly begins to fade out of this reality >several hours pass as they continuously fail >spam the shit out of Cracked Red Eye Orbs >asshat burns alive by the blade of a Chaos Zweihandler +5 >without Havel's Ring or Ring of Favor and Protection >some fuckwit decides he wants to hone his skills in Anor Londo

Mount and blade rule 34